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Hyperbole Books

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The Radical Arts Imprint of San Diego State University Press

Now Launched, March 2023! Our latest textual deep dive into the rabbit hole of the avant-garde, fluxus, mail art, zines, and more!
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Cabaret Voltaire
Fluxus West, San Diego, and Southern California Mail Art
Edited by Arzu Ozkal &Mila Waldeck

Hyperbole Books, an Imprint of
San Diego State University Press
release date: March 22, 2023
Paperback: ‎
350 pages |
ISBN-10: ‎ 

ISBN-13: ‎ 

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From the Introduction by Arzu Ozkal

his book is about a social networking movement from the 1960’s: The International Mail Art Movement or Correspondence Art. It intends to be the first extensive review of the graphic minutiae created by San Diego State University (SDSU) alumna Ferrara Brain Pan focusing on informal art networks and their extension into digital media. Fueled by post-structuralist critiques of meaning, permanency and authorship, this book intends to inspire many cultural producers to learn about artists for whom dialogue and exchange were primary means for art making.


"When was the last time the Three Stooges, an astronaut on a moonwalk with fish, rubber stamps of “Mistakes and Errata,” and Cabvolt Man projecting lightning bolts from his eyes shared a train compartment? Cabaret Voltaire, Fluxus West, and Southern California Mail Art grabs you by the lapels with a collection of dadazines, the work of west coast artists, Dada, Pacific style. With this collection of essays and images from the zines you can still have a museum in your pocket and be transported with every viewing, as if you just happened to pick up your mail and discovered all kinds of treasures waiting for you.
Susan Daitch, Author of LC and SIEGE OF COMEDIANS

“Long before we had theories of such as transmedia & convergence culture, there was the late 1970s xerographed, radical mail-art zine, CabVolt. This exquisite reprint of CabVolt along with the exquisite compendia of creative critical work that situates its significance powerfully reminds that even before Art Spiegelman and Françoise Mouley published their much-heralded Raw magazine, the international cadre of transmedial zinesters of CabVolt had already planted seeds for the globalization of what we call Alternative Comics. Remarkable!”

Frederick Luis Aldama, Sanger Mossiker Chair in the Humanities, UT Austin

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Cultural Studies in the Digital Age

An Anthology of Interdisciplinary Inquiries, Postulations, and Findings
Edited by Antonio Rafele, William Nericcio,
and Frederick Aldama

Hyperbole Books, an SDSU Press Imprint (2021)
ISBN-10 : 1879691310

ISBN-13 : 978-1879691315

$29.95 Retail

What is Cultural Studies!?
... Oh, we know all about Stuart Hall and his landmark work and we are hip to the tune of Marshall Blonsky, Marshall McLuhan, Susan Sontag, Henry Louis Gates Jr., and John Berger. But what will Cultural Studies look like after AI, after COVID, after the next new wave of next-generation developments in computer science. One might think: “The algorithms will write future essays.” But that means tenure for algorithms? Surely not! In our newest book, Cultural Studies in the Digital Age, you will find essays on Disney, video games,
fashion photography, and more—the traditional fodder of cultural studies; but you will also find deep meditations on memes, Instagram, social media, the border, Mexico, and more. Sit back and get ready to read some of the more provocative musings on both sides of the Atlantic by up-and-coming stars of Ethnic Studies, Literature, Linguistics, and more. Contributors include: Frederick Aldama, Brian Frastaci, Federico Tarquini, Antonio Rafele, Tito Vagni, Gwendolyn Kurtz, Kristal Bivona, Luca Acquarelli, William Nericcio, Katie Waltman, Massimo Cerulo, Lorenzo Bruni, Alberto Abruzzese, Jennifer Carter, Ralph Clare, Nello Barile, Katlin Marisol Sweeney, Bonnie Opliger, Matteo Treleani, Vanni Codeluppi, Guerino Bovalino, Agnese Pastorino, Carlos Kelly, and Antonio Rafele.


"Aldama, Nericcio, and Rafele's Cultural Studies in the Digital Age is a remarkable collection that defines the cutting edge of Cultural Studies. With essays that range from photography to emotion, from digitality to architecture, it should be required reading for all students of culture…Cultural Studies in the Digital Age contains great work, and it suggests great work lies ahead."

Michael Ryan

Professor Emeritus
, Temple University
Author of
Cultural Studies: An Anthology

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Sample page spreads:

Now Available!  DRONE VISIONS by
Mexican Cultural Critic, Naief Yehya

'Is our future a thing of the past?' asks a character in Sleep Dealer, Alex Rivera’s sci-fi premonition of neuro-jacked Mexicans who toil in maquiladoras of the mind. In Drone Visions, the Mexican film critic Naief Yehya excavates the nightmare logic of our times in the trash-heaps of Hollywood’s tomorrows. Reading between the frames of canonical cyberpunk texts like Blade Runner, Alien, and The Terminator; “video-game” footage of smart-bomb strikes in the Gulf War; and documentary interviews with cubicle warriors who call their long-distance kills 'bugsplats,' Yehya tracks the predatory technologies that have stalked us in our dreams ever since Frankenstein."

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Proust in Black
Los Angeles: A Proustian Fiction

by Fanny Daubigny

Translated from the original French by Bruce Whitehead

Amatl Comix!

A new
Hyperbole Books/
SDSU Press imprint!!!

{Detail} Painting for More Than Money, by Claudia Dominguez

Latest Hyperbole Books Title!

Latinx Comic Book Storytelling:
An Odyssey by Interview

edited by Frederick Luis Aldama
Prologue by Ricardo Padilla
Foreword by Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste
Afterword by Christopher González

Paperback: 270 pages
Publisher: Hyperbole Books, an imprint
of SDSU Press; 1st edition (2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1938537920
ISBN-13: 978-1938537929
retail: $24.95

Buy it NOW at the
SDSU Press Amazon Outlet Mall

This outstanding new collection edited by Frederick Luis Aldama represents the cutting edge in Latinx graphic literature! A must have for researchers in Comics, Sequential Art Studies, Visual Studies, American Literature, Latinx Studies!

Includes interviews with and full color art by Lalo Alcaraz, José Cabrera, Jaime Crespo, Frank Espinosa, Eric Garcia, Jason González, John González, Raúl Gonzalez the Third, Jaime Hernandez, Javier Hernandez, Andrew Huerta, Alberto Ledesma, Liz Mayorga, Rhode Montijo, Alex Olivas, Daniel Parada, Jimmy Portillo, Jules Rivera, Cristy C. Road, Fernando Rodriguez, Grasiela Rodriguez, Hector Rodriguez, Jason Rodriguez, Octavio Rodriguez, Rafael Rosado, Carlos Saldaña, Wilfred Santiago, Serenity Sersecion, Sam Teer, and Lila Quintero Weaver.

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*     *     *

Now Available in General Release!

Laughing Matters: Conversations on Humor
by Frederick Aldama and Ilan Stavans

On SALE now!

Other Hyperbole Books titles...

Representations of Fashion
The Metropolis and Mediological Reflection
Between the 19nth and 20th Century

by Antonio Rafele

Our catalogue of exotic theory also

includes the following distinct titles:



Learning for Revolution
The Work of Kathy Acker


The Hurt Business
Oliver Mayer's Early Works +

edited by William A. Nericcio

and more...

Hyperbole Books, Our Backstory

Buy the Hype
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Christened in 2004 as an imprint of San Diego State University Press, Hyperbole Books is dedicated to publishing cutting-edge, over-the-top experiments in critical theory, literary criticism and graphic narrative. Imagine some odd, bastard child of SEMIOTEXT[e], Taschen, and Fantagraphics Books raised in the dumpster behind Powells, and you'll begin to feel the vibe that defines Hyperbole Books.  Remember, "Buy the Hype."

HYPERBOLE Books maintains the "scholarly" editorial quality associated with major U.S. University Presses, while advocating as well, a brasher, harsher, more strident editorial policy: think of a rant with footnotes; a harangue with a bibliography; a scream with an index. Hyperbole Books volumes will be available in print in special trade paperback editions.  


Click the cool image above to see/visit our original Hyperbole Books site designed by the infamous Handcarved Graphics genius, Michael Buchmiller. 

Bill Nericcio, Editor
An imprint of San Diego State University Press
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